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Thinking about getting fiber? This is what you should know first.
Problems with the installation? Here's how we solve it.
Get help with troubleshooting, solve problems online or send a error report.
Here you will find the terms and how payment is made.
Search for operational disruptions and see planned works for the fiber network.
If you want to transfer your contract.
Once the fibre box is installed in your home and we see that you have the li...
When you’re commissioned you’ll be given the opportunity to borrow a router ...
If you need help starting your services, you should turn to your service pro...
Have you been experiencing issues for more than 2 weeks? Contact your curren...
Contact Optyx Broadband on : 0808 175 0842 or customerservice@optyxbroadband...
As of right now, all of our customers will be connected to Optyx Broadband f...